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What’s a Coaching Journal?

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The Coaching Journal is the name of my blog.  Most of my blog posts are snippet teasers to full length articles that appear in my newsletter, Perspectives.  If you notice a theme in my social media posts and blog posts, then there’s a good chance there’ll be a full length article on that topic in the next edition of Perspectives

To be sure you never miss a Coaching Journal post, I suggest you create a Feedly account (or similar).  Feedly is an awesome free site that allows you to curate the blogs you’d like to keep up with all in one location.

You should also make sure you’re on my email list to receive Perspectives. 

Bonus!!!  You’ll notice the button says, ‘…and free gift’.  For signing up to receive Perspectives, you will also get a free gift, Your Guide to Understanding and Healing from Soul Crushing Emotional Trauma e-book- this is your guide to getting serious about healing.  Just my way of saying thank you and welcome to Ascension Life Coaching!

Perspectives and Free Gift!