Become a Trauma -Informed Leader
Become what you’ve always known you are and the leader others will excel under.
Make a self-investment in the Complex Trauma Training to feel whole again and strip away the false layers that have been keeping you from your authentic self. Gain a true understanding of why you and others face the challenges and obstacles you do and how to choose differently. Become the leader you’ve always known you are and the one others will excel under.
I am meeting my audacious goal by helping people like you on their journey to learning and living their Big Why; by trusting and teaching them to trust their own brilliance; by being in relationship and providing a community of support and by offering scholarships to never allow obstacles to get in our way.
Your 12 Week Journey to Meeting Your Authentic Self: Reconnect is designed to move you from, ‘What’s wrong with me?’ to ‘This is the whole, confident ME I’ve always longed for!’
Understand what trauma is, where it comes from and how it impacts all areas of your life.
It’s time to invest in the most important thing in your life.
You. All of you.
As you learn to recognize the interconnectedness of all aspects of your life, your perspectives will begin to broaden and deepen.
Our guided conversations will help you tap into your innate creativity and resourcefulness.
From this empowered place, you will begin the process of restructuring the framework of your life to provide…
for yourself and all you encounter…
“If I could wave a magic wand and grant three things to every human, they would be to have read Complex PTSD by Pete Walker, to have undergone quality trauma training and coach training.”
Do you like to follow the phases of the moon?
Each moon phase brings energy and movement for each person. I send a new email with uplifting thoughts, self-love tips, and trauma information each New and Full Moon! You can subscribe to receive those emails below.
Have a quick question?
My YouTube Channel is full of videos about Social Anxiety, Abuse, Trauma Recovery tips, and more. You can easily find answers to certain behaviors you are observing or ones you have been battling. Trauma will hold you back, especially when you are not aware of what is holding you and others down.
Past Trauma Impacts More Than You Think…
We all respond to trauma differenlty…. but there is common things we do daily that we are unaware of how they are impacting our life.
Sign up and find out how you’re responding to trauma and how it is impacting your life.
Every Person is Different…
I Am Here to Help You Uncover Your Strengths and Strip Away the Trauma Lenses and Identities You May Carry.
Book Your Free Empowerment Session
This is a free session with me to clarify your next steps and discover your path for becoming empowered.