How Can We Help?
What other products and services are in the works?
My brain is exploding with so many ideas!
I am constantly tossing around Coaching Through the Arts topics. So many, in fact, that I have a hard time narrowing the options and getting a new one developed.
I am sitting on a grand idea of a coaching retreat. I’m thinking… A week long. Small group of 6. Group coaching. One on one coaching. Writing prompts. Massage and other personal services. Alone time to allow you to rest, decompress, explore the area. How’s this sounding so far?
I have other plans for way down the road, but this is where my head is now. At this time there is nothing concrete in the works…the above ideas are constantly stewing and new workshops spontaneously pop up here and there. So be on the lookout. I will announce any new workshops and other services in my newsletter, Perspectives. Click the button to get on my mailing list to be sure you never miss an announcement. (BTW, this isn’t your typical newsletter. It’s chock full of articles and goodness to keep you moving forward. No fluff – all learning.)
Bonus!!! You’ll notice the button says, ‘…and free gift’. For signing up to receive Perspectives, you will also get a free gift, Your Guide to Understanding and Healing from Soul Crushing Emotional Trauma e-book- this is your guide to getting serious about healing. Just my way of saying thank you and welcome to Ascension Life Coaching!